
"If Love Could Turn Back Time..!" (she sings with a terrible dissemblance to Cher)

In the spirit of Imperfection, I would love to show you my clock. =]

I have been dreaming up this project, ever since I purchased a copy of DIY Magazine a few years ago, and finally, my Dad brought me his tub of old watches!  The original inspiration was a square (plywood, maybe?), with the numbers typed out in different fonts, inserted in the watch faces, glued to the clock.  It was super cute.

I, however, did not have the time (wua-wuah..) or patience to purchase a clock mechanism.  So I started digging around in a bunch of "donation boxes" (I quote, because they have yet to make it out of the barn, and I keep finding new uses for the discards!). I found this old, not-my-kind-of-style-ugly clock.

It worked.  I wanted the mechanism.  Let the dismantling commence!  Unfortunately, I could't figure out how to remove the mechanism without actually destroying it, so I did what I do best; I made do!

I pulled it apart, removed the glass successfully, peeled off the ugly sticker inside, replaced it with a piece of cardboard gift box, painted, tried to reassemble...
...and maybe forced the glass a little too hard.

So I asked my husband, and he didn't really care--so I decided not to care either!
I put it back together, and hot-glued on my watches.

...Then half of them fell of.

I then painted it a better color and let it sit around for a few weeks until I remembered our Loctite Power Grab!  Which worked swimmingly, btw.

Here it is!

 And my favorite part about this project:

Growing up, I remember my Dad always fiddling/tinkering with watches, and he always had a box full of leftover, discarded parts--you never know when you might need a new watch pin! And when he handed over the requested watch faces, I think I might have seen a glimmer of pride (correct me if I'm wrong, but since you don't use the internet Dad, I'm going to go with pride ;]) as he realized I had found an exciting new use for them, stating, "This is my life in watches, right here!"
These watches were part of a story--some his, some mom's, my brother's, and some my own--stories of the day-by-day history that has molded us into the people that we are--the person I am--today.  They maintain some mystery, but as my bedroom clock, this serves as a reminder of time lost, and time left to be lived as I get ready for my day in the mornings....  (OK, I didn't see that until just now, but it's a start.) ;]

I actually think it would look better on a square plywood, (so may attempt that later, when I find myself in the clock section of a craft store...) but I will not be changing out the faces for number print-outs, as to me, they hold all of the character.

Wait...are those excuses I hear?!

Hello blog.  It is a pleasure being re-acquainted, and I am so sorry for the way I have neglected you.

You see, lots has been going on since we last chatted, and in that, I have managed to come up with many very legitimate excuses as to why we are better off with some distance between us.  But, at the end of the day, what I really need to remember is that you, dear friend, are what holds me accountable to processing my thoughts, and expressing my feelings, and being myself.  And though I have often wondered the point of our relationship, and doubt that you have even noticed my absence, I have been learning a few things...important things, I believe, to my personal well-being.

Oh, come on...don't tell me that you aren't the least bit curious...?

Well, here you have it then:  Instead of pining over the things I do not have to share with you, (ie. awesome artwork that will blow your mind!) and therefore proving that I am indeed discontent in this here life; the least I could do for myself (oh, right--and our relationship, of course) is share with you what has been keeping me busy, and creative...and happy!

So, cheers to do-overs, and new beginnings...determination on slower-than-snot, corrupted computers...saying "Yes!" to scary opportunities, and "Hell's No!" to the "defeated perfectionist" in me...and to kicking lousy "feee-lings" to the curb, and spending every day trying, if that means simply trying to know better in each presented moment!

I have sooo got this! (And thank you for your support! ;) )

And on that note, we have so much to catch up on!!




When people hear that I am carrying, not my first, but my 4th baby, we are faced with responses such as "you're brave", or "you're crazy".. Neither of which, I feel I can really take credit for.

I wish I was so brave... To wake up each day, confident that this will be far greater then the last. Or to spend each moment with my kids thankful for the gift of each second passed.... But me, I am the furthest thing from brave...fearful of each moment that my kids depend on me, that I might just be the one to fail them.

These past few months have hit me hard with the reality of my role in shaping these little people, my responsibilities for them, and to them. It's a big job, and with it, admittedly, I grow afraid of getting lost. I see it when I meet people for the first time. They don't ask me what I "do" anymore, they take one look at the babies and suddenly it's all about being a mom. And it is...and I have to be okay with that for the next 15 years. But for the last 5 years, it didn't seem to matter to me...because so many years ago, I didn't even want to know who I was. But in recent years I have learned to even believe in this woman...who is now 29, and suddenly feels as though she is running out of time! Here today, and gone tomorrow, what little time we have with them....

And how do I balance? Me on the teeter, them on the totter. ...How do I meet them in the middle, without either of us taking a tumble? I don't. I hop down, and walk them over safely. Holding their hands, patient for a time that I am called to let go....


Something Different

"What was any art but a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose." ~Willa Cather

I only have a few minutes, but I wanted to pop in and feel like I was still somewhat connected to my creative self! This has been a busy, tiring week of exciting t.v. show making...but as I have spent the last few days with a film crew, I have to say that I have really grown to appreciate the creative collaboration that goes into any production, however (in)significant, it's been quite an amazing experience to watch. Very thankful for the experience, and if nothing else, to witness other creative folks work their magic. ;)


"Ugly Potholders", and "What Goes Here..?"

This summer I've been running around the house like a crazy chicken trying to organize, sort, purge, beautify...prepare the roost for yet another little one! The nesting instinct is especially strong with me this time around, as I often wonder how we are going to fit yet another body (and all of it's accessories) in our already bulging seems..!

I have had an empty curtain rod on my kitchen window for at least a year now, and have been considering, and reconsidering what exactly it is I need to put up there...trying to use fabrics from my stock pile...plain panels, roman blinds, patterned or not..? The only problem is, nothing is quite large enough so it means measuring and re-measuring, and piecing things together...arrgh. And I just don't have that kind of patience for my sewing machine right now! (I imagine I'll be back later for opinions on that one.. ;)

Soooo....through some bizarre hormonal logic, and overwhelming feelings of un-accomplishment, I needed to make pot holders instead. I call them my ugly pot holders because my intention was to make them in as few steps as possible, with as little measuring as possible (or stitch-ripping), and I certainly wasn't going to bother with the ironing board! :) I like them. The fabric is an old sweaty dress shirt of my hubby's..but I didn't use the sweaty parts, so no worries. ;)

And after 5 years of not having anything up on our bedroom walls, I also decided that it was very important that I hang up the kids' baby footprints..and this is what I came up with. I see now, they look a little crooked...

But I ask you, which looks better, the grey canvas, or the red clay piece (both the same kid, so it doesn't matter if 1 doesn't make the cut ;)? And I also ask you...what do I put in the frames??! (I have some purple, green, and black craft papers, or do I stick with the monochromatic look? Such a trivial question, I know, but you that have been pregnant will surely understand how it is so incredibly important that I get it right! Teehee.. ;) Rrelp! Thanks for your help, it's needed and appreciated!!


Where have all the mosquitoes gone?

So many dragonflies this summer...such a gift! I find myself amazed at the amount of mosquitoes I've encountered this season...the fact that I can count those experiences on 1 hand, yet my hands remain unmarked by the pesky itchy bumps!

Sometimes, I am a little too eager to write off all bugs as pests, but it only takes a dragonfly landing on my foot to remind me that without certain bugs, and sometimes a LOT of them, the situation could be much worse. As in life, I lose perspective over the little nuisances that interrupt my picnic...but lets face it, there would be no picnic if the dragonflies weren't protecting me from the blood-thirsty mosquitoes!

I hope you are enjoying your summer days, outdoors, and bug-free...or should I say, mosquito-free, dragonfly-filled!